Friday, June 5, 2009

Dear NBC:

*Primal scream of rage*

You imbeciles. You freaking moronic crap-sucking bastards. First you played Meet the Press instead of the the momentous Nadal upset. Now you're playing the TAPED Soderling vs. Gonzalez match instead of the LIVE FREAKING OCCURRING NOW AS I TYPE FEDERER vs DEL POTRO SEMI.

What the frak is wrong with you? NBC, you have the worst tennis coverage in the history of bad coverage. No wonder you're the last-ranked network. No wonder Telemundo has bested you for ratings a couple times this season.

You're idiots. I've never seen such horrible handling of a major sporting event. Would you DARE have this kind of coverage of an NBA playoff game? Of an NFL game?

Do you THINK we want to watch taped matches that--heads up here, fools--we already know the results for? Let me clue you in: this is 2009. There's a little thing called the internet now. The fans already know what happened in this match--why should they bother to watch it?

And if you can't give your customers what they want? We'll go to the internet to get it. I would love to support legitimate coverage of my favorite sport. But if you fuck things up this badly? I'm going to watch a stream of the CURRENT LIVE MATCH THAT YOU'RE NOT AIRING. The match that features ROGER FEDERER, arguably the most POPULAR TENNIS PLAYER IN THE WORLD.

Let's think about this for a second. Don't you think you might get better ratings if you give the people what they want? If you show the SEMI FINAL matches live? The matches with the most popular players live?

Forget you. I've got a high-def stream on the internet to get back to.

Also? You suck. I hope your entire network keeps going the way it's going--down the tubes.

No love,

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